Institutul de Chimie

  • Romanian
  • English

The Centre of Organic and Biological Chemistry

OBJECTIVES of the Centre 

· Directed synthesis of biologically active organic compounds, including natural compounds;
· Development of the theoretical bases of the directed synthesis of new organic substances with biological activity;
· Synthesis of biologically active organic compounds, using computational methods of prognosis of biological activity modern methods for predicting biological activity;
· Creation of new preparations useful for industry, medicine, agriculture;
· Extension of modern methods of synthesis, including photolytic, electroorganic, catalytic and other transformations, etc;

·  Measurements in the mentioned areas for economic agents (on order);

·  Assurance of practical work and production activities for young researchers and lecturers;

·  Training of highly qualified scientific staff through PhD courses and postdoctoral education in the field of organic chemistry and chemistry of natural and physiologically active compounds.


The Centre Organic and Biological Chemistry has the following modern equipments:  a polarimeter, Cromatographs HPLC and GCMS, an apparatus "Boethius” for determining the melting point, an ozonator,  an ultrasonic bath et al.

The Centre includes two laboratories:

1. Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural and Biologically Active Compounds
2. Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Biopharmaceutics