The Organizing Committee is glad to invite you to participate in the XVIII-th Conference "Physical Methods in Coordination and Supramolecular Chemistry", which will be held in Chişinău, Republic Moldova on October 8-9, 2015.
The Program of the XVIII-th Conference will include lecture and poster presentations on a range of interdisciplinary topics connected with the study of coordination and supramolecular compounds by physical methods including optical, g–resonance and radio-spectroscopy, diffraction methods, magnetochemistry. The special attention will be paid to the compounds with the library of useful properties, e.g., molecular magnets, MOFs, sensors, biologically important compounds, and nanomaterials.
Historical overview
Beginning from 1962 Chişinău, hosted fourteen of a total of seventeen Conferences, on the applications of physical methods to the study of coordination compounds and beginning from 1999 to the study of supramolecular compounds also. These forums had brought a substantial contribution to the solution of fundamental problems of chemistry and enlarged the field of its practical applications.
Chişinău, was the host of these conferences not only by tradition, but also because of the high appreciation by the scientific community, earned by its school of coordination chemistry as well as by the wide use of physical methods in research of complex compounds. Previous conference editions had been attended by numerous specialists in the field, from the scientific centers of Belarus, Bulgaria, Baltic and Caucasian Republics, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. The event had an international resonance. At the last three conference session, researchers from scientific centers of Canada, France, Israel, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Japan, Spain, and U.S.A. have presented their papers.
The periodicity of these forums is once per three years. The last one, the XVII-th Conference held under this motto took place in October 2012 in Chisinau. In its framework there had been taken the decision to organize the XVIII-th edition of the Conference in 2015 in Chişinău.